Foolproof Recipe Preparation!

Do you struggle with reading and making recipes? Do you ever miss an ingredient or a cooking step, or do things in the wrong order?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone! If you watch television food shows you’ll see even professional chefs make mistakes on recipes they’ve made hundreds of times. But it can still be discouraging if you’re making a new recipe and it doesn’t turn out well because you left out a step or an ingredient.

What would you say if I told you that there’s a way to streamline your cooking, and make sure that you don’t miss anything or get steps in the wrong order, even with a recipe you’ve never made before?

Already know you need this? Get it right now!

What Can Go Wrong With a Recipe?

A lot can go wrong, especially with a new recipe! Here are just a few reasons a recipe won’t turn out as it was written.

  • You left out an important ingredient
  • You used the wrong amount of an ingredient
  • You used the wrong ingredient, like using apple cider vinegar instead of apple cider
  • You missed an instruction step
  • You got cooking times or temperatures wrong
  • You focused on stirring one pan and forgot about the other one reducing your sauce and ended up with a burned mess
  • And sometimes the recipe just isn’t written correctly!

I’ve Got the Fix!

My Foolproof Recipe Preparation Checklist is based on my lifetime of cooking, starting when I was in high school. And when I started out I made a lot of mistakes! I got better as I cooked more and made less mistakes, but I still had the occasional total failure.

I was a software developer for over 40 years, and in that profession documenting how we did things was essential, so we didn’t make the same mistakes over and over again. It was called “process documentation”. One day I realized that cooking is a process too, and that I had to document that process. Eventually I had a system that virtually eliminated cooking errors.

And now I’m sharing it with you!

My Foolproof Recipe Preparation Checklist is a step-by-step guide to making sure that your recipe is going to turn out as the author intended!

Heard enough? Enter your details and tap I NEED IT! to get your your FREE copy of my Foolproof Recipe Preparation Checklist!

What Do You Get?

I don’t just give you a checklist and wish you the best of luck. I give you bonus pages to tell you exactly how to make the best use of the checklist. Here’s what’s included:

  • An introduction to the checklist
  • The three main checklist pages
    • Part 1: Reading and Shopping
    • Part 2: Preparation
    • Part 3: Cook Time!
  • Four bonus pages!
    • How to Read a Recipe
    • How to Spot Problems in a Recipe
    • Substitutions
    • Smart Prepping

This Checklist is Prefect for You If…

  • You’re a new cook and struggle with reading and making recipes
  • You think that cooking is “just too hard
  • You think you’re “just not a good cook
  • You have a health condition that makes it hard to remember details or focus on things
  • You’re a good cook but you want to streamline your cooking and become a great cook!